Integrative Practitioner Network

Practitioners listed in this network are not necessarily University of Vermont Faculty or University of Vermont Medical Center providers or affiliated with the university or hospital. This is a tool for patients and providers to find the appropriate Integrative practitioner by type of service, location, and/or condition speciality.
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Steve Andersen


105 Shirley Drive
Schenectady, NY 12304

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p: 518-722-7372


Does Not Accept Insurance

About Steve Andersen

As a lad planting Christmas trees with my grandfather, I felt a reverence for nature. As an adult working in the corporate world, I began to lose this connection. Then while supporting my late wife as she died, I received one of her many gifts ... a sense of wonder and gratitude for life. These senses continued to grow with me in the Peace Corps, interfaith seminary, hospital as a chaplain, training as a Spiritual Director, and as an End-of-Life Doula. I invite you on a journey of self-discovery and connection with your own sense of the Divine.

Certificate training

Life reviews
Compassionate presence
Liaison with health care team

Steve Andersen hasn't specified any condition specialties.

Steve Andersen hasn't specified any additional languages.

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