Integrative Practitioner Network

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Scott Marion

Ayurvedic Practitioner

The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont

34 Oak Hill Rd.
Williston, VT 05495

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p: 802-872-8898

Does Not Accept Insurance

About Scott Marion

Scott Marion is an Ayurvedic Consultant, Massage Therapist, and Yoga Instructor.&nbsp; Since 1997, I have traveled in India and Nepal for over 4 years, absorbing the blessings of their holy places and experiencing their richly devotional cultures. My main residence in India has been at the feet of the mountain Arunachala, home to the great master Ramana Maharshi. It is there that I became acquainted with Ayurveda and other teachers versed in Advaita philosophy.
In 1998, I attended the Touchstone Healing Arts School of Massage in Burlington, Vermont.
In 2001, while in Kathmandu, I began studying with my principal Tibetan teacher Lopon Tenzin Namdak of the Bon Lineage, as well with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche of Ligmincha Institute in Virginia.
In 2005, I completed the two year program at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque under guidance of Dr. Vasant Lad.&nbsp; Another strong influence in my life is Ammachi, aka the hugging saint from South India. Her motherly love has blessed countless others and myself in more ways than I can imagine. I make brief mention of these people because they are living demonstrations of the selflessness, great compassion, wisdom and love inherent to all human beings that form the basis of the worlds spiritual traditions. Ayurveda, in essence is the Eternal Principle or Sanaatana Dharma, that Profound Beingness available to all and beyond all sectarian and religious dogma.
Since its opening in 2006, I live and work at the Ayurvedic Center of Vermont with Allison Bransfield Morse and other talented co-workers. Together we serve by offering a healing, supportive space for people to experience Ayurveda and its simple, yet powerful Panchakarma therapies. I offer clinical massage treatments and prepare cleansing, nourishing foods for our clients during their process as well as Vedic astrology (Jyotish) readings by donation.
I offer Ayurvedic consultations to address a wide variety of health concerns by focusing on diet and lifestyle, herbal therapies and self cleansing regimens, the mind and emotions, as well as yoga and meditation in order to relax into and recognize that inherently pure intelligence we all possess. Like the natural world, It takes time and patience, self discipline and gentleness, yet the little changes we make now add up greatly in the long run….Peace. Scott Marion

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