Integrative Practitioner Network

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Mischul Brownstone G.C.F.T

Movement Educator/Therapist

Mischul Brownstone

99 Toad Road
Charlotte, VT 05445

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p: 802-425-3355


Does Not Accept Insurance

About Mischul Brownstone

What makes life worth living? Do you let life touch you deeply? Do you choose what you most want to do and do it? Do you trust and respect yourself? Do you want to satisfy your own needs and be or service to others simultaneously?

These are some of the questions that I provide an environment for exploring in my practice. I have found that increasing flexibility in movement and finding deeper connection through touch can effect our nervous system in ways that profoundly reorganize our experience of living, affecting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.

A session includes gentle non-invasive touch and guided movement to help you reconnect with your natural abilities to move, think and feel.

The training and inspiration for my work comes from my teachers Moshe Feldenkrais and Jeff Krock and from my own creativity in developing my system, the Language of Touch(SM). My life is greatly enriched by the adventure and honor of guiding and learning with those I work with in my practice.

Mischul Brownstone, Guild Certified FeldenkraisĀ® Teacher and creator of the Language of Touch has been working with touch in its subtle and concrete effects since 1973 - first as a masseur and then as a Feldenkrais Teacher since 1983. He has taught year-long training programs, workshops and presentations at Feldenkrais Annual Conferences, Vermont Massage Guild, UVM College of Medicine, American Holistic Nurses Association and the Vermont Association of Counseling & Development. He lives with his wife, the artist Annemie Curlin, Charlotte, Vermont.

Graduated Feldenkrais Professional Training Program, 1983

Awareness Through MovementĀ® classes and Functional IntegrationĀ® and Language of Touch(SM) individual sessions.

Mischul Brownstone hasn't specified any condition specialties.

Mischul Brownstone hasn't specified any additional languages.

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