Integrative Practitioner Network

Practitioners listed in this network are not necessarily University of Vermont Faculty or University of Vermont Medical Center providers or affiliated with the university or hospital. This is a tool for patients and providers to find the appropriate Integrative practitioner by type of service, location, and/or condition speciality.
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Kirsten Wiley BCMT

Massage Therapist

Massage Therapy Vermont

1 Kennedy Dr.
South Burlington, VT 05403

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p: 802-999-3226


Student Interns

Credentialed to perform services at UVMMC

Does Not Accept Insurance

About Kirsten Wiley

I first studied massage therapy in Burlington Vermont at the Vermont Massage Institute. In 2007 & 2010, I traveled to China, studying Tuina & acupressure for sports injuries, insomnia and low back pain.
In 2010, I was inspired by Tracy Walton to study Oncology Massage Therapy in Boston.

I have assisted physical therapists and chiropractors since 2003. I've maintained a private practice in South Burlington since 2008.
Currently, I am treating cancer patients in the Infusion Clinic and on Miller 5 on a part-time basis, in the University of Vermont Medical Center.

Oncology Massage Therapy
Sports Massage
Swedish Esalen Massage

The most common treatments I offer are an integrated blend of classic Swedish massage, Tuina, Reiki and Shiatsu, at the medical center, at the University of Vermont, and in my private practice on Kennedy Drive. These treatments help my clients relax and access movement, both of which promote healing, health, and well-being.

Please note, to contact me, text and email are best,
Thank you

Anxiety, Arthritis, Cancer


Kirsten sees patients at the UVM Cancer Center on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
For more information visit

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