Integrative Practitioner Network

Practitioners listed in this network are not necessarily University of Vermont Faculty or University of Vermont Medical Center providers or affiliated with the university or hospital. This is a tool for patients and providers to find the appropriate Integrative practitioner by type of service, location, and/or condition speciality.
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Kathy LaDue

End-of-Life-Doula , Reiki Practitioner

001 Rebel Ridge Road
South Chesterfield , VA 23834

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p: (518) 645-5593


Does Not Accept Insurance

About Kathy LaDue

Im originally from Chazy NY, as far upstate as you can get without crossing the Canadian border. I became a Certified End Of Life Doula via The University Of Vermont.
I began this journey because
I needed to learn as much as I possibly could to help my then husband who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. As well as for my children. I found a great disconnect, Dr's didn't want to speak about end of life, much less death.
As a community and personally we should have that person who can, educate and advocate. Provide comfort and help those at end of life, and their loved ones as they make this journey.
This is my heart call. I am a Doula ready to take your hand.

UVM End Of Life Doula Certificate
Reiki Master

End of life Doulas are certified and trained to accompany the dying and their loved ones along the journey. Much the way a birth Doula aids in the beginning of life, the unknown, the fear, the planning. An end of life Doula does the same as we labor out of this life. Doulas are a calming, reassuring, presence. We do not turn from suffering, we lean in, we help to normalize and clarify. We are allies for our clients, we seek to honor our clients wishes. We are holistic, spiritual , non medical professionals. We have the knowledge and wisdom to promote healthy discussions, and help make amends possible if needed. We work alone or as an added layer of support, when hospice is involved. Death and dying; reading, talking about it, is uncomfortable. Why? In our great grandmothers time the family cared for their loved one at home. Death, was a part of life. We have become removed. I am part of a ripple of change.

Reiki Master : Reiki is a specific form of energy healing, in which hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching the body. In a Reiki session, the practitioner is seeking to transmit Universal Life Energy to the client. The intention is to create deep relaxation, to help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing

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