Integrative Practitioner Network

Practitioners listed in this network are not necessarily University of Vermont Faculty or University of Vermont Medical Center providers or affiliated with the university or hospital. This is a tool for patients and providers to find the appropriate Integrative practitioner by type of service, location, and/or condition speciality.
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Heather Caulfield-Mills


Welcome Hill End-of-Life Planning & Care

121 Lyman Meadow
Hinesburg , VT 05461

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p: 802-999-9617


Does Not Accept Insurance

About Heather Caulfield-Mills

Heather Caulfield-Mills is an end-of-life doula based in Vermont. She serves as a community resource for matters related to end-of-life planning and care and supports clients in a variety of settings, specializing in legacy projects, story-listening, companionship, and respite care. Heather was among the first graduates of UVM's End-of-Life Doula program and has served as an instructor for the program since 2019. She is an award-winning writer and has edited several published works in the end-of-life field.

UVM End-of-Life Doula Professional Certificate (2017)
UVM Companion Animal End-of-Life Doula Professional Certificate (2020)

End-of-life planning and care
Community workshops

Heather Caulfield-Mills hasn't specified any condition specialties.

Heather Caulfield-Mills hasn't specified any additional languages.

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