Integrative Practitioner Network

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Darren Moskowitz L.M.T.

Myofascial Release Therapist


1 Main Street
Suite 208
Burlington, VT 05401

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p: 802-318-5891


Does Not Accept Insurance

About Darren Moskowitz

Hi I'm Darren, owner of WholebodyMFR, a therapeutic pain relief and relaxation wellness center. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist - NY and Expert Myofascial Release Therapist. I have been practicing bodywork and specializing in acute and chronic pain and health issues for over 20 years and now only treat and specialize in the John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach and Therapeutic Touch Therapy. My experience has shown me that these are the two modalities that offer the best opportunity for long term and permanent results for my patients. My experience and advanced training enable me to work with a wide range of clients, customizing treatment to the individual. My philosophy is to use a whole body approach to address underlying physical and emotional conditions, relieve pain, reduce stress and restore function, as well as long term health and wellness to your whole being. I have chosen to train and practice in the techniques that have been most effective for me and share this with my clients.

Myofascial Release Therapist - John F Barnes
Therapeutic Touch Level III Practitioner

John F Barnes Myofascial Release Therapy — Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions for at least 5 minutes or longer to eliminate pain and restore motion. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.

Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)

The use of Myofascial Release allows the therapist to look at each patient as a unique individual. One-on-one therapy sessions are hands-on treatments during which a therapist uses a multitude of Myofascial Release techniques and movement therapies. Myofasical Release Therapists promote independence through education in proper body mechanics and movement, self treatment instruction, enhancement of strength, improved flexibility, and postural and movement awareness.

Hands-On Treatment
Each Myofascial Release Treatment session is performed directly on skin without oils, creams or machinery. This enables the therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the fascia.

Therapeutic Touch - Therapeutic Touch is a gentle yet powerful method of subtle energy healing developed in the mid-20th century by Dr. Dolores Krieger, RN, PhD, at New York University, and Dora Kunz, an internationally known healer. In Therapeutic Touch, I place my hands on or near the patient's body with the intention to help or heal. In doing so, I am consciously directing or modulating an individual's energies by interacting with his or her energy field. The focus is on balancing the energies of the total person and stimulating the body's own natural healing ability rather than on the treatment of specific physical diseases.

Hands-On Treament
Each Therapeutic Touch Treatment is performed very lightly on or above the body. A typical session lasts approximately 30-45 minutes. You can sit or lie down whichever is most comfortable for you. You are fully clothed. I will then use light touch and/or sweeping hand motions above the skin surface to assess and balance the energy in and around the body, clear the client's energy field, then direct energy to achieve wholeness, and balance the field, finally ending with grounding the body.

Anxiety, Arthritis, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Digestive Health Issues, Hand and Occupational Injuries, Headaches, Hypertension, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Low Back Pain, Lung Problems, Lyme Disease, Pain, Pregnancy

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