Integrative Practitioner Network

Practitioners listed in this network are not necessarily University of Vermont Faculty or University of Vermont Medical Center providers or affiliated with the university or hospital. This is a tool for patients and providers to find the appropriate Integrative practitioner by type of service, location, and/or condition speciality.
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Christiane Herskowitz

Physical Therapist, PT, MPT, or DPT


8031 Williston Road
Williston, VT 05495

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p: 802-881-5698

f: 888-406-8044


Accepts Insurance

About Christiane Herskowitz

Christiane Herskowitz grew up in Germany, and has been practicing physical therapy since 1992 in USA.
She has been treating holistically for over over 20 years, integrating the emotional aspect of dis-ease into her treatments.
She is specializing in any chronic ongoing issues, like backpain, neckpain, concussions, tinnitus, TMJ, chronic fatigue, Fibromalgia, Lyme, Balance or dizziness disorders.

Trained at Upledger Institute Cranio Sacral Therapy,
at the Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation
at Chikly Institiute Braintechniques and Heart Centered Therapy

Cranio sacral therapy, Chikly Brain Techniques, and HCT, Visceral manipulation, ergonomics and traditional physical therapy as needed.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Low Back Pain, Lyme Disease


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